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Easy DIY Halloween Costumes

As kid you'd plan your Halloween costume as soon as school started up again in September. As an adult, you're likely a little less organized when it comes to planning out what you're going to wear. If you're reading this and it's noon on October 31st don't panic - we've got some fun, affordable and easy costumes that you can whip together on your way home - or on your way to the party, if need be!


The Men in Black Halloween costume is making a comeback this year with the reboot in full affect! The nice thing about it is – both guys AND girls can participate in this perfect couple costume now. It’s so easy to put together and if you visit your local value village you could snag a black suit for under $25 easily.
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This is perfect for anyone with a quirky sense of humor! It’s so easy to put together – you just need some pom-poms and either iron on letters or a really good thick sharpie marker.

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This is another funny and easy one to put together, not to mention it could be free if you’re sneaky enough. Hit up a few local paint stores and pick up some grey paint swatches – safety pin, tape or glue them to an old shirt, tie, skirt jacket - you name it and voila ! 😉 . 

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We love this costume. It’s so cute and not over done! It can also be super cost effective and done last minute if you decide to attend a Halloween party at the last minute. Pick up a cheap umbrella and use safety pins to fasten string with faces of your favourite celebrity men attached to the bottom. 


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This one can be used for kids or adults alike! It’s helpful of course if you have a graduation gown at home but you can find them at most costume stores or online for affordable prices. Print out cookie pictures at home and pin or glue them onto your gown. It’s simple and smart 🤓. 

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 Another cute one for kids or adults that just takes a few extra props but will be a hit at parties. All you need is a halo – you can make it out of a hairband and pipe cleaners or buy a halo and wing set online for cheap. Stick little cut outs of avocados to your green shirt (or some brown felt), stick on your wings and halo and you’re golden! 

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 This costume is really fun to put together and really only involves buying some costume makeup or you can use your own if you have enough variety. You don’t have to be a makeup artist to get this to look great either its really whatever you want it to be and can be as simple or complex as you'd like. Pair the makeup with a flower headband, a flowy skirt, dress or pants and a flowery top and you’re good to go.

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I personally have not yet seen this one before and thought it was a really fun idea! All you need is a few candies that are easy to tape or attach to a shirt (rockets are perfect for this) a big gold necklace and a hat. Its cheap, quick and quite perfect for Halloween. 

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Last but definitely not least is the Hot Air Balloon. It’s so affordable and so cute you’re bound to see copy-cats the next year around once you send our kid out in this one. All you need is a big, helium inflated balloon and an old round laundry basket. Cut out the bottom of the basket and tie some nice wide ribbon on for straps to hang over your child’s shoulders. Tie the balloon onto the basket at four points and you’re off. Charming, easy and cost effective.

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* 📸 : Pinterest, Buzzfeed,, DIY Network. 

Published by Kelly - Goemans Trend Blogger on Thursday, October 3rd